Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Scatter brain scatter brain

Ah but I ommitted why Betty is called "Betty of the eggs".

She has chickens. Not ordinary chickens. "Rescue chickens" of course my dear! Bantams that love to fly up and roost in the trees. Anyway - there is another woman in the village called Biddy and I could never for the life of me remember who was Biddy, who was Betty, wasnt there a Batty or a Bitty? So "Betty of the eggs" stuck.

And the golf course... this is no ordinary golf course - its wild and covered mostly in spiky gorse bush and is where very suspicious things go on that are related to our local butcher... but perhaps I will keep that for another blog. Now I'm supposed to be working! Oops! :)


  1. rescue chickens?? wow. who knew??

    but of course there are rescue chix. thank god for betty!!

  2. ha ha. very funny. Thanks Reya for putting a smile on my dial.
